Hi Again
I hope you've been able to follow the first stage of our programme on using T'ai Chi Exercise to "Move More Easily."We introduced you to the 1st Position and Learning How To Stand.
In this session we will look at learning "How To Rock." Finding our centre by rocking forward and back; side to side and rotating right and left.
Learning To Rock
In 1st Position breath in and sink into your feet. Breath out and rock forward from the naval. Feel the weight shift onto the balls of the foot.
- Don't rock forward from the shoulders or lift your heels off the floor.
- Relax the upper body.
- Make sure your feet stay in contact with the floor so that you don't lose balance.
- Repeat the movement x 4 and finish back in the centre position.
Rock from side to side:
Still in the 1st Position breath in and sink into your Right foot. Breath out and move across to the left.
- Bend the left knee and move your centre to the left
- Focus on straightening the right leg
- Repeat x 4
Breath in and move back to the centre..Breath out and rock to the right.
- Bend the right knee and move your centre to the right
- Focus on straightening the left leg
- Repeat x 4 and finish back in the central position
Rotate to the Right: Rotate to the Left:
From the centre position.. Breath out..bend the left knee and turn your centre to the right:
- The weight moves onto the left leg but don't just turn the shoulders, turn from the centre.
- Keep your arms open and relaxed
Breath in to the centre..Breath out..bend the right knee and turn your centre to the left:
- The weight moves onto the right leg and rotate your centre to the left
- Repeat x 4 and finish in the centre.
These exercises help us to find our centre by teaching us to move our it (the navel) and our upper bodies through the plains while maintaining good connection with the floor.
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