Wednesday 11 January 2017

What Good's A Coach?..learn why you should have a good one.

"One of the best reasons for practising every day, is that it creates a habit. 
It’s been said that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Set aside a time slot every day to exercise whether it’s early in the morning or late at night. Whether it’s for 15 minutes or an hour, give yourself that time. You can set a block of time or a number of reps to complete every day.
This may work as it will force you to actually complete a set amount of exercises, versus using an allotted amount of time which may be wasted on those days when you don’t feel like moving. And there will be days when exercising isn’t easy, but it’s important to move. 
Any musician will agree that practice is critical to becoming a master of your craft. The famous trumpeter, Doc Severson, of The Tonight Show, once said that he would notice his skill or lack of, when he didn’t practice for one day, and his band would notice if he didn’t practice for two days and after three days, the audience would notice. Despite how good you may be, practice is critical for everyone." And this is why you need a good coach."

*Inspiration..."I have noticed that in no great adventure has been undertaken by one man on his own" a quote from a Native American Chief..but now we know that this applies to everyone male or female who seeks to gain and maintain great levels of health and fitness
  • You're going to learn how to build strength & avoid injury
  • You're going to learn how to target more work in less time
  • You're going to understand the application of athletic training for the non-athlete
  • You'll learn how to use just your bodyweight (making it portable)
  • You're going to discover that fat loss results get easier as you advance your exercise program
  • You're going to be blown away by the amount of work you can accomplish in so little time!
And all of this will motivate you to stay with the programme.

*Self esteem...I met Ernie six month ago, and I have a problem with my legs, the right one doesn’t work very well, which makes walking difficult, I kept falling over!. Ernie started working with me to build up my right leg, and now I can go for long walks, confident that I won’t fall. I would recommend Ernie to anyone who wants to keep fit or who has had an accident and wants to rebuild their muscles.

*Time management "We don't do anything I couldn't do myself. But I wouldn't."
                         "My job is to knock on your door."
and a heck of a lot more being added all the time. 

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